Just had to pass along this fantastic article on the new media landscape. Bam! Pow! Right in the kisser we get the unfortunate news that the younger generation really doesn’t like ink on a newspaper page.
“Thirty-three percent of those under 30 get their news via social networking sites, 34 percent from TV, and only 13 percent from newspapers.”
PR Daily culled the most interesting nougats from the Pew Research Center for People and the Press and sprinkled them in this palatable piece. But the crux is this: “Newspaper reach, influence, and credibility continues to drop. Daily newspapers try to reinvent themselves. Their business model is broken. The new experiments with social media will not pay the bills and advertisers are unconvinced of the value or resistant to change from what they know. And TV is next.”
So very glad that I am passionate about news sharing on its own merits, not because I am under the illusion that my work will pay the bills.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to apply at Starbucks. After all, I have to support my journalism addiction somehow.
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